Can’t think of anything? That’s okay. If your turn comes and you come up empty. Just PASS and give 5$ to whoever has the lowest score at end of round.
If you want to make the game more engaging and dynamic, you can flip the script!
Instead of the person drawing being the ACTOR they become the JUDGE and everyone else takes a turn at acting out.
At the end the Judge Awards 10 / 5 / 1 to First, Second, Third ranked performers.
Got any “Cards Against Humanity” cards? Use the White Cards as Topics!
(Doesn’t necessarily work the other way though).
You can pick just a single style or topic card (not both) and do that.
It’s less fun. But easier.
Skip style, just make everything pirates and only pick Topic Cards.
Pick either 2 styles or 2 topics and one of the other, try to make it work.
Bet On Yourself - Bet 1,5,10 (10 max) points on how confident you are to score a top (10) ranking.
If you bet 5 points and you get 10 points on your turn, you get to award yourself 5 more points.
Can only be done once per cycle (so basically until it's your turn again).
Too bad go away...